Strange behaviour of parallel execution of function in which one result is correct and the other not

Hi. I have a jit decorated function which tracks particle in a numerical model. The function is this one below and it outputs the travel time of that particle and the travel time * reactivity, which is a scalar value mapped in the grid cell.

def travel_time_cum_reactivity(initial_position, initial_cell, face_velocities, gvs, xedges, yedges, z_lf, z_uf,
                               termination, reactivity):
    Calculates the travel_time and cumulative reactivity of a particle assuming steady-state flow conditions
    reactivity: array with relative reactivity values per cell

    t: (sum of dt)
    r: (sum of dr*dt)

    # initializing:
    layer = initial_cell[0]
    row = initial_cell[1]
    col = initial_cell[2]

    continue_tracking = True
    coords = initial_position.copy()

    # Initializing the variables:
    dts = []
    reacts = []

    while continue_tracking:

        # coordinates at lower and upper faces:
        left_x = xedges[col]
        right_x = xedges[col + 1]
        low_y = yedges[row + 1]
        top_y = yedges[row]
        bt_z = z_lf[layer, row, col]
        up_z = z_uf[layer, row, col]

        coords_0 = np.array([left_x, low_y, bt_z])
        coords_1 = np.array([right_x, top_y, up_z])
        # gradients for the cell
        gvp = gvs[:, layer, row, col]

        # relative reactivity of the cell
        relative_react = reactivity[layer, row, col]

        # velocities at lower coordinate faces:
        v0 = face_velocities[np.array([0, 2, 4]), layer, row, col]
        # velocities at upper coordinate faces:
        v1 = face_velocities[np.array([1, 3, 5]), layer, row, col]

        # current velocities
        v = velocity(coords, v0, gvp, coords_0)

        # Where is it going:
        velocity_gradient_index = np.abs(v0 - v1) > 1e-10 * numba_max_abs(np.column_stack((v0, v1)))
        exit_direction_index = exit_direction(v0, v1, v)

        # Time to reach each end
        dt_array = reach_time(exit_direction_index, velocity_gradient_index, v0, v1, v, gvp, coords, coords_0, coords_1)

        # actual travel time:
        dt = np.min(dt_array)
        exit_point_loc = np.argmin(dt_array)

        # TODO: check if this statement is still necessary!!
        if dt == np.inf:

        exit_point = exit_location(exit_direction_index, velocity_gradient_index, dt, v0, v1, v, gvp, coords, coords_0,

        if exit_point_loc == 0:
            col = col + exit_direction_index[0]
        if exit_point_loc == 1:
            row = row + (-exit_direction_index[1])
        if exit_point_loc == 2:
            layer = layer + (-exit_direction_index[2])

        dts.append(dt)  # traveltime calculation
        reacts.append(relative_react * dt)  # relative reactivity

        # termination criteria evaluation: whether the particle has reached a termination layer or out of the system
        assert dt == relative_react * dt
        has_negative_index = negative_index(np.array([layer, row, col]))
        over_index = larger_index(np.array([layer, row, col]), np.array(termination.shape))
        term_value = termination[layer, row, col]

        if (term_value == 1) | has_negative_index | over_index:
            continue_tracking = False
        # new loop:
        coords = exit_point

    final_dt = np.sum(np.array(dt))
    final_react = np.sum(np.array(reacts))
    return final_dt, final_react

Then I tried to parallelize with prange to many particles, using reactivitity = np.ones(grid.shape), which should give me the same result for both outputs:

@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def cumulate_react(particle_coords, particle_cells, face_velocities, gvs, xedges, yedges, z_lf, z_uf,
                   termination, reactivity):
    dts = np.empty((particle_coords.shape[0]))
    reacts = np.empty((particle_coords.shape[0]))
    for i in numba.prange(particle_coords.shape[0]):
        initial_position = particle_coords[i]
        initial_cell = particle_cells[i]
        dt, react = travel_time_cum_reactivity(initial_position, initial_cell, face_velocities,
                                               gvs, xedges, yedges, z_lf, z_uf, termination, reactivity)
        dts[i] = dt
        reacts[i] = react
    return dts, reacts

However, for my test set, the result is correct for the reactivity, which is the second output, but incorrect for the first one. Any idea how can this happen? The difference between each result is minimal, the second result has an additional multiplication and thats it.



There is a typo in the first function : final_dt = np.sum(np.array(dt)) instead of final_dt = np.sum(np.array(dts))` :confused:

Sorry, it took me one week to figure it out …

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