[RFC] Implementation proposal for a new Numba back-end


This RFC presents a high-level implementation plan for our previously posted language design RFC [1]. The document is also available at https://github.com/IntelPython/Numba_Extension_Proposals/blob/master/Numba-DPPL_Extension.md.

Section 1. Introduction

This proposal has the high-level implementation design of a new Numba extension called numba-dppl. The numba-dppl extension will introduce additional decorators to the Numba front-end and a back-end code-generator to automatically offload data-parallel kernels to SYCL devices. Aspects of the front-end extensions are discussed separately (refer [1]).

Numba-dppl was designed as a standalone Numba extension to minimizes, as much as possible, changes to the core code base of Numba. In Section 2, we demonstrate at a high-level how our implementation works. We would like to note that in Numba’s current design not all of our changes can be outlined into a separate module. For all such places, we want to discuss additional extension points for Numba. Section 3 has a list of currently identified cases where we cannot easily
separate out our changes into an extension module.

Section 2. A new lowerer for parfor nodes for automatic GPU offloading

Section 2.1. Current state of the art

Numba provides lowering.lower_extensions [3] in numba/parfors/parfor_lowering.py that allows registering new types of “lowerers” for special Numba IR nodes. The current CPU lowerer for parfor nodes uses this extension point.

lowering.lower_extensions[parfor.Parfor] = _lower_parfor_parallel

Please refer register other extensions via entry points [2] for more details about Numba extension points.

Section 2.2. Registering the new numba-dppl extension module

The numba-dppl extension will provide and register the following functionalities:

  • new lowering function for Parfor nodes,
  • the dppl.kernel and other decorators to do explicit OpenCL kernel-style
    programming, and
  • a new set of compiler passes and pipeline to support the new lowerer.

To use the new decorators in numba-dppl, users will need to explicitly import the numba-dppl package.

Section 2.3. Adding a lowering fallback to default parfor lowerer

The new lowerer included in numba-dppl will support falling back onto the default Numba Parfor lowerer to handle cases where numba-dppl does not yet support GPU kernel generation. A high-level implementation of the fallback behavior will look as follows:

from numba import lowering
from numba.parfors import parfor
import dppl

def _lower_parfor_gufunc(lowerer, parfor):
    if dppl.get_context():
        <do offloading to GPU>
        _lower_parfor_parallel(lowerer, parfor)

lowering.lower_extensions[parfor.Parfor] = _lower_parfor_gufunc

The dppl.get_context is an API function provided by a companion dppl package that indicates if the @jit function call originated inside a dppl.device_context scope (refer [1]) for details).

Note that the above behavior is only triggered when the numba-dppl extension is in use.

Section 2.4. Device context implementation

As described in the language design a dppl device_context configuration as the only way to automatically generate device kernels and to generate the host code needed for running the kernel. Our implementation of the offloading inside the new Lowerer will rely on dppl to store as a global
variable the current context configuration. Numba will access the global state by use pre-bound functions in the dppl module.

Inside dppl the device_context configuration state is maintained as a stack data structure to support nested contexts. A dppl context manager pushes the specified device_context configuration to the stack on entering the context manager scope and then pops the configuration from the top of the stack on exiting the scope. numba-dppl will rely on dppl to get a handle for the current device_context. This dppl getter function returns the current context from the top of the stack or returns a default context (i.e. CPU) when the stack is empty.

Section 3. Possible new Numba extension points

For implementing the numba-dppl extension we need to extend Numba in some additional places that are not yet exposed using extension points. The following is a list of places that we have presently identified that will need modifications in addition to introducing the new lowerer.

  1. Function Dispatch

    Numba uses only the function signature to look up the cached versions of a @jit decorated function. In addition to signature, we will need device_context to also becomes part of key storing versions of a previously compiled function.

  2. Caching (across program executions)

    Numba’s feature to serialize JIT compiled functions for usage across multiple execution of a program only supports caching the wrapper and outer-native code. We want to extend the feature to support serializing the compiled kernels generated by our custom lowerer. Also, like function dispatch, the device context would need to be in the key here.

  3. Pass Manager

    numba-dppl has a custom pass pipeline that reuses most of the default Numba pass pipeline. Instead, we will want to discuss adding registration points in Numba’s pass pipeline that allows us to load our passes into Numba’s pipeline at specific points, such as after type-inferencing, without having to replicate the whole of the pipeline.


1. https://numba.discourse.group/t/rfc-language-design-for-a-new-back-end-to-automatically-offload-data-parallel-kernels/164
2. http://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/latest/extending/entrypoints.html
3. https://github.com/numba/numba/blob/56fc9d7eeb098002753c13480bcde72dcfe0296c/numba/parfors/parfor_lowering.py#L483