Python kernel crashes w/o error message

Hello, this code runs fine if parallel=False but will crash jupyer and running from a terminal if parallel=True.

I suspect it may be related to the acf function call, or when calculating the sum of squared errors, but I cannot tell for sure. Any tips on how/where to refactor are greatly appreciated!

Background: Generate an n x m matrix of random binary values, and then rearrange the elements of each column m such that the resulting acf approximates that of a target acf. This code is inspired by:
J. Kruppa et al.
A genetic algorithm for simulating correlated binary data from biomedical research
Computers in Biology and Medicine (2018)

Environment: Python 3.10.12, numba 0.57.1 on Windows 10, jupyter lab and vscode

import numpy as np
import numba

@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=False)
def acf(x, n_lags=10):
    Calculate auto-correlation for a given number of lags
    :param x: vector to find the auto-correlation of
    :type x: np.array
    :param n_lags: number of lags
    :type n_lags: int
    return np.array([1]+[np.corrcoef(x[:-i], x[i:])[0,1] for i in range(1, n_lags+1)])

@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def correl(tgt:np.array, n:int = 200, m:int = 3, err:float = 0.9, n_lags:int = 10, maxIter:int = 10000):
    Create m number of auto-correlated binary sequences
    :param tgt: target acf
    :type tgt: np.array
    :param n: number of elements in a sequence
    :type n: int
    :param m: number of sequences
    :type m: int
    :param err: min sse value
    :type err: float
    :param n_lags: numbr of acf lags
    :type n_lags: int
    :param maxIter: max iterations before stopping convergence
    :type maxIter: int
    Returns auto-correlated matrix
    # generate n x n matrix of random 0's and 1's
    mat = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=0.48, size=(n,m))
    #max index val of col vector
    max_idx = mat.shape[0]
    # loop through cols
    for j in numba.prange(m):
        # set initial sum of square error to inf
        SSE0 = np.inf
        # set current counter to 0
        curr_int = 0
        while SSE0 > err:
            # choose two element ids at random
            choice = np.random.choice(max_idx, size=2, replace=False)
            # flip the two values
            mat[choice[0],j] = mat[choice[0],j]^1
            mat[choice[1],j] = mat[choice[1],j]^1
            # calculate the acf for the vector
            new_acf = acf(mat[:,j], n_lags=n_lags)
            # calculate the resulting sse
            sse = np.sum((new_acf[1:] - tgt[1:])**2)
            if sse < SSE0:
                SSE0 = sse
                # change the values back if there's no improvement in acf
                mat[choice[0],j] = mat[choice[0],j]^1
                mat[choice[1],j] = mat[choice[1],j]^1
            # ++ the counter
            curr_int += 1 
            # bail if it took to long
            if curr_int == maxIter:
                raise Exception("Max iterations has been reached without convergence")
    return mat

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tgt = np.array([1, 0.55, 0.35, .188, 0.039, -0.058, -0.0458, -0.035, -0.011, 0.00578, 0])
    foo = correl(tgt, n=250, m = 1000, err = 0.01, n_lags = 10, maxIter = 10000)

Another thing that I find interesting, if I am interpreting the parallel debugging info correctly, is that the
for j in numba.prange(m): loop appears to not be getting picked up as having parallel semantics per the docs for the-parallel-diagnostics-report-sections. I would not have expected this.

Parallel loop listing for  Function correl, c:\Users\vdB9\Documents\Python\test\test\ (16) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|loop #ID
@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)                                                                       |
def correl(tgt:np.array, n:int = 200, m:int = 3, err:float = 0.9, n_lags:int = 10, maxIter:int = 10000):       |
    """                                                                                                        |
    Create m number of auto-correlated binary sequences                                                        |
    :param tgt: target acf                                                                                     |
    :type tgt: np.array                                                                                        |
    :param n: number of elements in a sequence                                                                 |
    :type n: int                                                                                               |
    :param m: number of sequences                                                                              |
    :type m: int                                                                                               |
    :param err: min sse value                                                                                  |
    :type err: float                                                                                           |
    :param n_lags: numbr of acf lags                                                                           |
    :type n_lags: int                                                                                          |
    :param maxIter: max iterations before stopping convergence                                                 |
    :type maxIter: int                                                                                         |
    ...                                                                                                        |
    Returns auto-correlated matrix                                                                             |
    """                                                                                                        |
    # generate n x n matrix of random 0's and 1's                                                              |
    mat = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=0.48, size=(n,m))----------------------------------------------------------| #0
    #max index val of col vector                                                                               |
    max_idx = mat.shape[0]                                                                                     |
    # loop through cols                                                                                        |
    for j in numba.prange(m):                                                                                  |
        # set initial sum of square error to inf                                                               |
        SSE0 = np.inf                                                                                          |
        # set current counter to 0                                                                             |
        curr_int = 0                                                                                           |
        while SSE0 > err:                                                                                      |
            # choose two element ids at random                                                                 |
            choice = np.random.choice(max_idx, size=2, replace=False)                                          |
            # flip the two values                                                                              |
            mat[choice[0],j] = mat[choice[0],j]^1                                                              |
            mat[choice[1],j] = mat[choice[1],j]^1                                                              |
            # calculate the acf for the vector                                                                 |
            new_acf = acf(mat[:,j], n_lags=n_lags)                                                             |
            # calculate the resulting sse                                                                      |
            sse = np.sum((new_acf[1:] - tgt[1:])**2)-----------------------------------------------------------| #1, 2
            if sse < SSE0:                                                                                     |
                SSE0 = sse                                                                                     |
            else:                                                                                              |
                # change the values back if there's no improvement in acf                                      |
                mat[choice[0],j] = mat[choice[0],j]^1                                                          |
                mat[choice[1],j] = mat[choice[1],j]^1                                                          |
            # ++ the counter                                                                                   |
            curr_int += 1                                                                                      |
            # bail if it took to long                                                                          |
            if curr_int == maxIter:                                                                            |
                raise Exception("Max iterations has been reached without convergence")                         |
    return mat                                                                                                 |
--------------------------------- Fusing loops ---------------------------------
Attempting fusion of parallel loops (combines loops with similar properties)...
  Trying to fuse loops #1 and #2:
    - fusion succeeded: parallel for-loop #2 is fused into for-loop #1.
----------------------------- Before Optimisation ------------------------------
Parallel region 0:
+--1 (parallel)
+--2 (parallel)

------------------------------ After Optimisation ------------------------------
Parallel region 0:
+--1 (parallel, fused with loop(s): 2)

Parallel region 0 (loop #1) had 1 loop(s) fused.

---------------------------Loop invariant code motion---------------------------
Allocation hoisting:
No allocation hoisting found

Instruction hoisting:
loop #0:
  Has the following hoisted:
    $push_global_to_block.165 = global(np: <module 'numpy' from 'C:\\Users\\vdB9\\miniconda3\\envs\\py310\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\'>)
  Failed to hoist the following:
    dependency: $parfor_index_tuple_var.65 = build_tuple(items=[Var($parfor__index_58.177, <string>:2), Var($parfor__index_59.179, <string>:3)])
    dependency: $push_getattr_to_block.163 = getattr(value=$push_getattr_to_block.164, attr=binomial)
    dependency: $expr_out_var.64 = call $push_getattr_to_block.163(func=$push_getattr_to_block.163, args=[], kws=(('n', Var(_const8_3,, ('p', Var(_const10_4,, vararg=None, varkwarg=None, target=None)
loop #1:
  Has the following hoisted:
    $arg_out_var.74 = const(int, 2)
  Failed to hoist the following:
    dependency: $arg_out_var.72 = getitem(value=_184binary__subscr_58, index=$parfor__index_66.181, fn=<built-in function getitem>)
    dependency: $arg_out_var.73 = getitem(value=_194binary__subscr_64, index=$parfor__index_66.181, fn=<built-in function getitem>)
    dependency: $arg_out_var.71 = $arg_out_var.72 - $arg_out_var.73
    dependency: $sum_parallel_impl__locals__sum_1_v86__v46binary_subscr_5.166 = $arg_out_var.71 ** $arg_out_var.74
    dependency: sum_parallel_impl__locals__sum_1_v86__v48inplace_add_6 = inplace_binop(fn=<built-in function iadd>, immutable_fn=<built-in function add>, lhs=sum__parallel__impl____locals____sum__1__v86__val, rhs=$sum_parallel_impl__locals__sum_1_v86__v46binary_subscr_5.166, static_lhs=Undefined, static_rhs=Undefined)
    dependency: sum__parallel__impl____locals____sum__1__v86__val = sum_parallel_impl__locals__sum_1_v86__v48inplace_add_6

Hi @vdB9

It looks like handling exceptions in parallel regions is not supported, even if the exception is not raised at runtime. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any documentation on this (but maybe there is). However, exiting the loops when curr_int == maxIter and raising the exception after the prange region works.

Wonderful catch, thank you!

I should note, the logic:

# flip the two values
mat[choice[0],j] = mat[choice[0],j]^1
mat[choice[1],j] = mat[choice[1],j]^1

Doesn’t preserve the probability of the jth column vector which is problematic given the intent of the code.

Something along the lines of:

mat[[choice[0], choice[1]],j] = mat[[choice[1], choice[0]],j]

will work in python but throws the following exception in Numba:

TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: nopython frontend)
No implementation of function Function(<built-in function getitem>) found for signature:
 >>> getitem(array(int64, 2d, C), Tuple(list(int64)<iv=None>, int64))
There are 22 candidate implementations:
      - Of which 20 did not match due to:
      Overload of function 'getitem': File: <numerous>: Line N/A.
        With argument(s): '(array(int64, 2d, C), Tuple(list(int64)<iv=None>, int64))':
       No match.
      - Of which 2 did not match due to:
      Overload in function 'GetItemBuffer.generic': File: numba\core\typing\ Line 209.
        With argument(s): '(array(int64, 2d, C), Tuple(list(int64)<iv=None>, int64))':
       Rejected as the implementation raised a specific error:
         NumbaTypeError: Unsupported array index type list(int64)<iv=None> in Tuple(list(int64)<iv=None>, int64)
  raised from C:\Users\vdB9\miniconda3\envs\py310\lib\site-packages\numba\core\typing\

During: typing of intrinsic-call at C:\Users\vdB9\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_28580\ (44)

File "..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_28580\", line 44:
<source missing, REPL/exec in use?>

Which I presume has to do with the elemental slice of the array being interpreted as a list given the array is not global thus shouldn’t be static.

I am curious if there is a way around this.

mat[choice,j] = mat[choice[::-1],j] and mat[choice[::-1],j] = mat[choice,j] to flip back will work but it’s very slow.