No module found named numba under Windows

“no module found named numba” under Windows 10 and 11 multiple computers. No spelling errors?, numba is installed, path is good. Numpy is installed in the same directory and works correctly. Works under Linux and MacOS. Python 3.11.5 and Numpy 1.23.4. on Windows. Python 3.9.2, Numpy 1.26.2 and.Numba 0.58.1 on Linux and Mac. Cannot determine numba version on Windows, but latest available to pip as of 28Nov23. I am completely stumped, and thank you~

Keep debugging, Numba will install and load on Windows fine, we test against it weekly. It is almost certainly something to do with your setup and the way it was installed. So sorry to not be able to offer anything more helpful.

Otherwise, if nothing helps, please list:

  • How did you install Python?
  • What package manager are you using?
  • What version of Numba did you install?
  • How are you trying to import Numba? (Script, Notebook, command-line)

What’s the difficulty in determining the numba version in windows? If it doesn’t show up in the output from ‘pip freeze’ then it’s probably not installed (assuming you’re using pip as your package manager)

I was unaware of pip freeze. I will try it right away. Thank you.

pip freeze returns llvmlite==0.41.1 numba==0.58.1 numpy==1.26.2

Installed python from python org. No package manager, just pip install numba. 0.41.1. Trying from both script and command line.

Sorry. Numba is version 0.58.1

what’s the output of pip show numba ? And what’s the path to the python exe you’re using to run the scripts where the import fails?

Not a Windows user, friends computer, so im a little show. pip show numba reports Name: numba, Version: 0.58.1, Summary: compiling Python code using LLVM, Home-page:, Author:, Author-email:, Liscense: BSD, Location: C:\Users\mike\AppData\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages, Requires: llvmlite, numpy, Required-by:

The path is: C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\python.exe

Correction to pip show numba. I apologize. It’s C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages

I’m a little confused… was the the original ‘pip show numba’ altered? Or is there some confusion about which pip, or which python install was used?

What do you get when you run this?
C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\python.exe -c "import numba;print(numba.__version__)"

and how about this?

C:\Users\mike\AppData\Programs\Python\Python311\python.exe -c "import numba;print(numba.__version__)"

Hi, the first pip show numba produced the second output. I typed it in wrong originally. In the two commands you gave me, the first produced 0.58.1, and second produced The system cannot find the path specified.

It’s less error-prone to copy-paste the output verbatim instead of manually typing it in.

Based on your response, it seems that numba is installed since you ran a script and imported it successfully.

Do you feel like the problem is solved? What happens when you run your failing scripts using C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\python.exe as the interpreter?

It doesn’t work yet. If I write a simple script, I still receive, no module found numba. I have tried various IDE’s and command line, with two surface pro’s, one on Windows 10, the other on 11.

Can you supply your simple script and command line?

My script:

import numpy
import pygame
import numba

The error is no module named “numba”

What’s the command line? Are you using the complete path to python.exe that imported numba previously?