How to have arguments take different types?

I often want a function to be able to take arguments of different types. As a simple example:

def sqrt(value: Union[float, List[float]]):
    if isinstance(value, float):
        return math.sqrt(value)
        return [math.sqrt(x) for x in value]

(I know that this specific example is best solved using np.sqrt.)
This function doesn’t work in @njited code, because isinstance only works in object mode. Is there a good workaround? Currently what I’ve been doing is doing separate functions (e.g. sqrt_float and sqrt_list), but that doesn’t work for certain special functions, such as __init__ and __getitem__. Is there some sort of workaround for the lack of isinstance, especially that would work in @jitclasses?

Does overload work for your situation?

or generated_jit Flexible specializations with @generated_jit — Numba 0.52.0.dev0+274.g626b40e-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg documentation

I thought that overload replaces a function entirely. Can I overload another python function and have both work, depending on the type of argument?

It looks like generated_jit should work. So something like this should work?:

def sqrt(x):
    if isinstance(x, types.Float):
        return lambda x: math.sqrt(x)
        return lambda x: [sqrt(xv) for xv in x]

Will it work in a @jitclass?

the use case for overload and generated_jit are slightly different.

overload will keep a python-only version that is always used when calling the function from pure python. The “overloaded” versions are only used when called from another jitted function. In this cases (when running inside jit), the function body will select the relevant implementation according to the argument types.

def sqrt(x):
    return math.sqrt(x)

def sqrt(x):
    if isinstance(x, types.Float):
        return lambda x: math.sqrt(x)
        return lambda x: [sqrt(xv) for xv in x]

generated_jit does something similar but it will use the jitted version even when being called from pure python.

Regarding jitclass, yes, both will work but it depends how you use it. I don’t think you can use generated_jit or overload inside the jitclass but you can call those functions from the jitclass.

class MyClass:
     def calc_sqrt(x):
         return sqrt(x)
