How to overload __mul__ (dunder method) in jitclass?

I want to check argument type in mul and depending on the type of argument at compile time, substitute the necessary function for jit

the code does not work:

import numba as nb
import numba.experimental as nbexp
import numba.extending as nbex

class Test:
    def __init__(self):
    def __mul__(self, other): 

@nbex.overload_classmethod(Test, "__mul__")
def test_mul(self, other):
    print('WE ARE HERE')
def run_test():
    return Test() * Test()

print( run_test() )

looks like overload of any method of jitclass also not working

from numba import types as nbt
import numba as nb
import numba.experimental as nbexp
import numba.extending as nbex

class Test:
    def __init__(self):
    def some(self, other) -> None:
def Test_some_impl1(self, other):
    return other

@nbex.overload_method(nbt.misc.ClassInstanceType, "some")
def over_some(self, other):
    if self is Test.class_type.instance_type:
        if other in nbt.number_domain:
            return Test_some_impl1

def run_test():
    return Test().some(2)

print( run_test() )


AssertionError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: native lowering)
('i64', 'i8*')

finally got it working

import numba as nb
import numba.experimental as nbexp
import numba.extending as nbex
from numba import types as nbt

@nbexp.jitclass([ ('_x', nbt.float32),
                  ('_y', nbt.float32), ])
class Vec2:
    def __init__(self, x : float, y : float):
        self._x = x
        self._y = y

    def x(self) -> float: return self._x
    def y(self) -> float: return self._y

    def __mul__(self, other): return Vec2(0,0) # overloaded

# Overload implementations
def Vec2__mul__Vec2(self, other):   return Vec2(self._x*other._x, self._y*other._y)
def Vec2__mul__number(self, other): return Vec2(self._x*float(other), self._y*float(other))

# Overloaders
@nbex.overload_method(nbt.misc.ClassInstanceType, "__mul__")
def over_Vec2__mul__(self, other):
    if self is Vec2.class_type.instance_type:
        if other is Vec2.class_type.instance_type: return Vec2__mul__Vec2
        if other in nbt.number_domain: return Vec2__mul__number

# Tests

def run_test1():
    return Vec2(1,1) * 2

def run_test2():
    return Vec2(1,1) * Vec2(3,3)

print( run_test1().x ) # outputs 2.0
print( run_test2().x ) # outputs 3.0

can it be simplified?

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