Why am i getting different performance speeds for the "same" decorator?


I am using just the @jit decorator and getting the warning “Compilation is falling back to object mode WITH looplifting enabled etc”

I run again and get a good run time 0.037s.

I like the object mode with loop lifting enabled because my function has some python types that I need but also a loop that can be optimized.

So to get rid of the warning I decorated my function with @jit(forceobj=True, looplift=True), I was expecting the same time but I get 0.167s. Why is the speed reduced is Numba not doing the same thing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



When profiling jit decorated functions the first run is always significantly slower than subsequent runs. This is because Numba will compile the function on the first run and this can take some time. Only on the second call, does the compiled function execute:

In [1]: import numba as nb

In [2]: @nb.njit
   ...: def foo():
   ...:     acc = 0.0
   ...:     for i in range(1000000):
   ...:         acc += i
   ...:     return i

In [3]: %time foo()
CPU times: user 135 ms, sys: 32.5 ms, total: 168 ms
Wall time: 211 ms
Out[3]: 999999

In [4]: %time foo()
CPU times: user 91 µs, sys: 1 µs, total: 92 µs
Wall time: 92.3 µs
Out[4]: 999999
1 Like


Thank you for replying to my query.
Yes I was aware of the compilation time so I know it is not that.

def kernel(zr, zi, cr, ci, lim, cutoff):
    count = 0
    while ((zr*zr + zi*zi) < (lim*lim)) and count < cutoff:
        zr, zi = zr * zr - zi * zi + cr, 2 * zr * zi + ci
        count += 1
    return count
kernel_njit = njit()(kernel)
def plot_mandel(mandel):
def compute_mandel_py(cr, ci, N, bound=1.0, lim=1000.0, cutoff=1e6):
    mandel = np.empty((N, N), dtype=int)
    grid_x = np.linspace(-bound, bound, N)
    t0 = time.time()
    for i, x in enumerate(grid_x):
        for j, y in enumerate(grid_x):
            mandel[i,j] = kernel(x, y, cr, ci, lim, cutoff)
    return mandel, time.time() - t0
def compute_mandel_njit(cr, ci, N, bound=1.0, lim=1000.0, cutoff=1e6):
    mandel = np.empty((N, N))
    grid_x = np.linspace(-bound, bound, N)
    t0 = time.time()
    for i, x in enumerate(grid_x):
        for j, y in enumerate(grid_x):
            mandel[i,j] = kernel_njit(x, y, cr, ci, lim, cutoff)
    return mandel, time.time() - t0
compute_mandel_njit_jit1 = jit()(compute_mandel_njit)
compute_mandel_njit_jit2 = jit(forceobj=True, looplift=True)(compute_mandel_njit)
def python_run():
    kwargs = dict(cr=0.285, ci=0.01,
    print("Using pure Python")
    mandel_func = compute_mandel_py       
    mandel_set, runtime = mandel_func(**kwargs)
    print("Mandelbrot set generated in {} seconds".format(runtime))
def njit_run():
    kwargs = dict(cr=0.285, ci=0.01,
    print("Using njitted kernel")
    mandel_func = compute_mandel_njit       
    mandel_set, runtime = mandel_func(**kwargs)
    print("Mandelbrot set generated in {} seconds".format(runtime))
def njit_jit_run1():
    kwargs = dict(cr=0.285, ci=0.01,
    print("Using njitted kernel and jitted compute function")
    mandel_func = compute_mandel_njit_jit1       
    mandel_set, runtime = mandel_func(**kwargs)
    print("Mandelbrot set generated in {} seconds".format(runtime))
def njit_jit_run2():
    kwargs = dict(cr=0.285, ci=0.01,
    print("Using njitted kernel and jitted compute function in object mode & looplift")
    mandel_func = compute_mandel_njit_jit2       
    mandel_set, runtime = mandel_func(**kwargs)
    print("Mandelbrot set generated in {} seconds".format(runtime))

And then running


At least twice (accounting for compilation) I get these times;

Using njitted kernel
Mandelbrot set generated in 0.15392279624938965 seconds
Using njitted kernel and jitted compute function
Mandelbrot set generated in 0.028262853622436523 seconds
Using njitted kernel and jitted compute function in object mode & looplift
Mandelbrot set generated in 0.15626192092895508 seconds

What I don’t understand is why
compute_mandel_njit_jit1 = jit()(compute_mandel_njit)
compute_mandel_njit_jit2 = jit(forceobj=True, looplift=True)(compute_mandel_njit)

These is why the first (only jit no options set) is much faster when in the warning it says it is using object mode with loop lifting enabled. If this was true both functions should give similar performance.

Is my question more clear now?

Thanks again for replying.


Hi @fionnualasolomon

I agree with your point that those timing differences seem a bit odd if one expects the functions to work the same - and interestingly enough I cannot reproduce this behaviour on my own system. For me all implementations run in about 150 ms.

I wonder if this has something to do with certain library versions or hardware - would you mind sharing your output of numba -s?

Here is mine for comparison

numba -s ouput

System info:

Time Stamp
Report started (local time) : 2021-03-03 12:29:11.250888
UTC start time : 2021-03-03 11:29:11.250892
Running time (s) : 2.829611

Hardware Information
Machine : x86_64
CPU Name : skylake
CPU Count : 8
Number of accessible CPUs : 8
List of accessible CPUs cores : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CFS Restrictions (CPUs worth of runtime) : None

CPU Features : 64bit adx aes avx avx2 bmi bmi2
clflushopt cmov cx16 cx8 f16c fma
fsgsbase fxsr invpcid lzcnt mmx
movbe pclmul popcnt prfchw rdrnd
rdseed rtm sahf sgx sse sse2 sse3
sse4.1 sse4.2 ssse3 xsave xsavec
xsaveopt xsaves

Memory Total (MB) : 15893
Memory Available (MB) : 9993

OS Information
Platform Name : Linux-5.4.100-1-MANJARO-x86_64-with-glibc2.10
Platform Release : 5.4.100-1-MANJARO
OS Name : Linux
OS Version : #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Feb 23 15:31:04 UTC 2021
OS Specific Version : ?
Libc Version : glibc 2.33

Python Information
Python Compiler : GCC 7.3.0
Python Implementation : CPython
Python Version : 3.8.5
Python Locale : en_GB.UTF-8

LLVM Information
LLVM Version : 10.0.1

CUDA Information
CUDA Device Initialized : False
CUDA Driver Version : ?
CUDA Detect Output:
CUDA Libraries Test Output:

ROC information
ROC Available : False
ROC Toolchains : None
HSA Agents Count : 0
HSA Agents:
HSA Discrete GPUs Count : 0
HSA Discrete GPUs : None

SVML Information
SVML State, config.USING_SVML : True
SVML Library Loaded : True
llvmlite Using SVML Patched LLVM : True
SVML Operational : True

Threading Layer Information
TBB Threading Layer Available : True
±->TBB imported successfully.
OpenMP Threading Layer Available : True
±->Vendor: GNU
Workqueue Threading Layer Available : True
±->Workqueue imported successfully.

Numba Environment Variable Information
None found.

Conda Information
Conda Build : 3.17.1
Conda Env : 4.9.2
Conda Platform : linux-64
Conda Python Version : 3.7.4.final.0
Conda Root Writable : True

Installed Packages
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lcms2 2.11 h396b838_0
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libffi 3.3 he6710b0_2
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libstdcxx-ng 9.1.0 hdf63c60_0
libtiff 4.1.0 h2733197_1
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scipy 1.5.2 py38h0b6359f_0
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setuptools 50.3.1 py38h06a4308_1
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singledispatch py_1001
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six 1.15.0 py38h06a4308_0
snappy 1.1.8 he6710b0_0
snowballstemmer 2.0.0 py_0
sortedcollections 1.2.1 py_0
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tifffile 2020.10.1 py38hdd07704_2
tk 8.6.10 hbc83047_0
toml 0.10.1 py_0
toolz 0.11.1 py_0
tornado 6.0.4 py38h7b6447c_1
tqdm 4.50.2 py_0
traitlets 5.0.5 py_0
typed-ast 1.4.2 py38h27cfd23_1
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ujson 4.0.1 py38he6710b0_0
unicodecsv 0.14.1 py38_0
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yaml 0.2.5 h7b6447c_0
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zict 2.0.0 py_0
zipp 3.4.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
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zope 1.0 py38_1
zope.event 4.5.0 py38_0
zope.interface 5.1.2 py38h7b6447c_0
zstd 1.4.5 h9ceee32_0

No errors reported.

Warning log
Warning (cuda): CUDA driver library cannot be found or no CUDA enabled devices are present.
Exception class: <class ‘numba.cuda.cudadrv.error.CudaSupportError’>
Warning (roc): Error initialising ROC: No ROC toolchains found.
Warning (roc): No HSA Agents found, encountered exception when searching: Error at driver init:
NUMBA_HSA_DRIVER /opt/rocm/lib/libhsa-runtime64.so is not a valid file path. Note it must be a filepath of the .so/.dll/.dylib or the driver:

If requested, please copy and paste the information between
the dashed (----) lines, or from a given specific section as

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you are happy with sharing the
contents of the information present, any information that you
wish to keep private you should remove before sharing.

Hi @Hannes,

Thank you for responding. I was using jupyter lab and then thought it might have been contributing but even run as one script from my terminal I was getting different timings.

My output from numba -s is:

System info:
__Time Stamp__
Report started (local time)                   : 2021-03-03 12:26:03.814271
UTC start time                                : 2021-03-03 12:26:03.814279
Running time (s)                              : 1.144859

__Hardware Information__
Machine                                       : x86_64
CPU Name                                      : icelake-client
CPU Count                                     : 8
Number of accessible CPUs                     : ?
List of accessible CPUs cores                 : ?
CFS Restrictions (CPUs worth of runtime)      : None

CPU Features                                  : 64bit adx aes avx avx2
                                                avx512bitalg avx512bw avx512cd
                                                avx512dq avx512f avx512ifma
                                                avx512vbmi avx512vbmi2 avx512vl
                                                avx512vnni avx512vpopcntdq bmi
                                                bmi2 clflushopt cmov cx16 cx8 f16c
                                                fma fsgsbase fxsr gfni invpcid
                                                lzcnt mmx movbe pclmul popcnt
                                                prfchw rdpid rdrnd rdseed sahf sgx
                                                sha sse sse2 sse3 sse4.1 sse4.2
                                                ssse3 vaes vpclmulqdq xsave xsavec
                                                xsaveopt xsaves

Memory Total (MB)                             : 16384
Free Memory (MB)                              : 66

__OS Information__
Platform Name                                 : Darwin-19.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
Platform Release                              : 19.6.0
OS Name                                       : Darwin
OS Version                                    : Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Oct 29 22:56:45 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.2.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64
OS Specific Version                           : 10.15.7   x86_64
Libc Version                                  : ?

__Python Information__
Python Compiler                               : Clang 10.0.0 
Python Implementation                         : CPython
Python Version                                : 3.7.9
Python Locale                                 : en_IE.UTF-8

__LLVM Information__
LLVM Version                                  : 10.0.1

__CUDA Information__
CUDA Device Initialized                       : False
CUDA Driver Version                           : ?
CUDA Detect Output:
CUDA Librairies Test Output:

__ROC information__
ROC Available                                 : False
ROC Toolchains                                : None
HSA Agents Count                              : 0
HSA Agents:
HSA Discrete GPUs Count                       : 0
HSA Discrete GPUs                             : None

__SVML Information__
SVML State, config.USING_SVML                 : False
SVML Library Loaded                           : False
llvmlite Using SVML Patched LLVM              : True
SVML Operational                              : False

__Threading Layer Information__
TBB Threading Layer Available                 : False
+--> Disabled due to Unknown import problem.
OpenMP Threading Layer Available              : True
+-->Vendor: Intel
Workqueue Threading Layer Available           : True
+-->Workqueue imported successfully.

__Numba Environment Variable Information__
None found.

__Conda Information__
Conda Build                                   : not installed
Conda Env                                     : 4.9.2
Conda Platform                                : osx-64
Conda Python Version                          : 3.8.5.final.0
Conda Root Writable                           : True

__Installed Packages__
appnope                   0.1.0           py37hf985489_1002    conda-forge
argon2-cffi               20.1.0           py37h4b544eb_2    conda-forge
async_generator           1.10                       py_0    conda-forge
attrs                     20.3.0             pyhd3deb0d_0    conda-forge
backports                 1.0                        py_2    conda-forge
backports.functools_lru_cache 1.6.1                      py_0    conda-forge
blas                      1.0                         mkl    anaconda
bleach                    3.2.1              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
brotlipy                  0.7.0           py37h395d20d_1001    conda-forge
ca-certificates           2020.10.14                    0    anaconda
certifi                   2020.6.20                py37_0    anaconda
cffi                      1.14.3           py37hed5b41f_0    anaconda
chardet                   3.0.4           py37h2987424_1008    conda-forge
cryptography              3.2.1            py37h3b7a55b_0    conda-forge
cycler                    0.10.0                     py_2    conda-forge
cython                    0.29.21          py37hb1e8313_0    anaconda
decorator                 4.4.2                      py_0    conda-forge
defusedxml                0.6.0                      py_0    conda-forge
entrypoints               0.3             pyhd8ed1ab_1003    conda-forge
freetype                  2.10.4               h3f75d11_0    conda-forge
idna                      2.10               pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
importlib-metadata        3.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
importlib_metadata        3.1.0                hd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
intel-openmp              2020.2                      258    anaconda
ipykernel                 5.3.4            py37he01cfaa_1    conda-forge
ipython                   5.8.0                    py37_1    conda-forge
ipython_genutils          0.2.0                      py_1    conda-forge
jinja2                    2.11.2             pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
json5                     0.9.5              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
jsonschema                3.2.0                      py_2    conda-forge
jupyter_client            6.1.7                      py_0    conda-forge
jupyter_core              4.7.0            py37hf985489_0    conda-forge
jupyterlab                2.2.9                      py_0    conda-forge
jupyterlab_pygments       0.1.2              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
jupyterlab_server         1.2.0                      py_0    conda-forge
kiwisolver                1.3.0            py37h23ab428_0  
libcxx                    10.0.0                        1  
libedit                   3.1.20191231         h1de35cc_1  
libffi                    3.3                  hb1e8313_2  
libgfortran               3.0.1                h93005f0_2    anaconda
libllvm10                 10.0.1               h76017ad_5  
libpng                    1.6.37               h7cec526_2    conda-forge
libsodium                 1.0.18               hbcb3906_1    conda-forge
llvm-openmp               10.0.0               h28b9765_0  
llvmlite                  0.34.0           py37h739e7dc_4  
markupsafe                1.1.1            py37h395d20d_2    conda-forge
matplotlib                2.2.5                h694c41f_3    conda-forge
matplotlib-base           2.2.5            py37h11da6c2_1    conda-forge
mistune                   0.8.4           py37h4b544eb_1002    conda-forge
mkl                       2019.4                      233    anaconda
mkl-service               2.3.0            py37hfbe908c_0    anaconda
mkl_fft                   1.2.0            py37hc64f4ea_0    anaconda
mkl_random                1.1.1            py37h959d312_0    anaconda
mpi                       1.0                       mpich    anaconda
mpi4py                    3.0.3            py37h77202c6_0    anaconda
mpich                     3.3.2                hc856adb_0    anaconda
nbclient                  0.5.1                      py_0    conda-forge
nbconvert                 6.0.7            py37hf985489_3    conda-forge
nbformat                  5.0.8                      py_0    conda-forge
ncurses                   6.2                  h0a44026_1  
nest-asyncio              1.4.3              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
notebook                  6.1.5            py37hf985489_0    conda-forge
numba                     0.51.2           py37h959d312_1  
numexpr                   2.7.1            py37hce01a72_0    anaconda
numpy                     1.19.1           py37h3b9f5b6_0    anaconda
numpy-base                1.19.1           py37hcfb5961_0    anaconda
openssl                   1.1.1h               haf1e3a3_0    anaconda
packaging                 20.4               pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
pandoc                    2.11.2               hc929b4f_0    conda-forge
pandocfilters             1.4.2                      py_1    conda-forge
pexpect                   4.8.0              pyh9f0ad1d_2    conda-forge
pickleshare               0.7.5                   py_1003    conda-forge
pip                       20.2.4           py37hecd8cb5_0  
prometheus_client         0.9.0              pyhd3deb0d_0    conda-forge
prompt_toolkit            1.0.15                     py_1    conda-forge
ptyprocess                0.6.0                   py_1001    conda-forge
pycparser                 2.20                       py_2    anaconda
pygments                  2.7.2                      py_0    conda-forge
pyopenssl                 19.1.0                     py_1    conda-forge
pyparsing                 2.4.7              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
pyrsistent                0.17.3           py37h4b544eb_1    conda-forge
pysocks                   1.7.1            py37h2987424_2    conda-forge
python                    3.7.9                h26836e1_0  
python-dateutil           2.8.1                      py_0    conda-forge
python_abi                3.7                     1_cp37m    conda-forge
pytz                      2020.4             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pyzmq                     19.0.2           py37hb1e8313_1  
readline                  8.0                  h1de35cc_0  
requests                  2.25.0             pyhd3deb0d_0    conda-forge
send2trash                1.5.0                      py_0    conda-forge
setuptools                50.3.1           py37hecd8cb5_1  
simplegeneric             0.8.1                      py_1    conda-forge
six                       1.15.0             pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
sqlite                    3.33.0               hffcf06c_0  
terminado                 0.9.1            py37hf985489_1    conda-forge
testpath                  0.4.4                      py_0    conda-forge
time                      1.8                  h01d97ff_0    conda-forge
tk                        8.6.10               hb0a8c7a_0  
tornado                   6.1              py37h4b544eb_0    conda-forge
traitlets                 5.0.5                      py_0    conda-forge
urllib3                   1.25.11                    py_0    conda-forge
wcwidth                   0.2.5              pyh9f0ad1d_2    conda-forge
webencodings              0.5.1                      py_1    conda-forge
wheel                     0.35.1             pyhd3eb1b0_0  
xz                        5.2.5                h1de35cc_0  
zeromq                    4.3.3                hb1e8313_3  
zipp                      3.4.0                      py_0    conda-forge
zlib                      1.2.11               h1de35cc_3  

No errors reported.

__Warning log__
Warning (cuda): CUDA driver library cannot be found or no CUDA enabled devices are present.
Exception class: <class 'numba.cuda.cudadrv.error.CudaSupportError'>
Warning (roc): Error initialising ROC: No ROC toolchains found.
Warning (roc): No HSA Agents found, encountered exception when searching: Error at driver init: 

HSA is not currently supported on this platform (darwin).
Warning (psutil): psutil cannot be imported. For more accuracy, consider installing it.
If requested, please copy and paste the information between
the dashed (----) lines, or from a given specific section as

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you are happy with sharing the
contents of the information present, any information that you
wish to keep private you should remove before sharing.

That is odd you get all the same timings - that is what I would expect. :woman_shrugging:


The most obvious difference I see is that you are using and older numba / llvmlite version.

I almost find your timing for the explicit object mode / looplift run suspiciously fast.
I tried on my own machine to remove the timer from the jitted function and compile it in nopython mode and then measure the time outside the nopython compiled function, which should be very close to optimal since object mode should slow things down a little.
Even with that setup I cannot optimise the run time much beyond that of 150ms. I don’t know why the explicit looplifting version would be almost 10 times faster on your machine.

Have you checked of that version actually returns the correct result? Maybe something is buggy and the loop is cut short or similar.

1 Like

I’m not sure that calling time.time() inside an njitted function can be relied on - optimizations might move code around inside the function so that the code being timed may not correlate with the same code from within the source.

If you move your timing outside the jitted function, do you get more consistent results? (Also, object mode + loop lifting might not be needed if the timing is moved outside the jitted function)


We have the same LLVM version no? 10.0.1? and I have numba 0.51.2 which I had thought was the most up to date?

I also now removed the time.time from within the function and get these times.

Using njitted kernel and jitted compute function
CPU times: user 34.3 ms, sys: 694 µs, total: 35 ms
Wall time: 35.1 ms
Using njitted kernel and njitted compute function
CPU times: user 29 ms, sys: 283 µs, total: 29.3 ms
Wall time: 29.4 ms
Using njitted kernel and jitted compute function in object mode & looplift
CPU times: user 174 ms, sys: 1.33 ms, total: 175 ms
Wall time: 175 ms

Which are consistent with what I expect; first one the jit is choosing nopython mode, second one is forced to use nopython mode, both have similar times and the third is being forced to use object mode and so is slower.

So I think, despite the warning saying it was running in object mode with looplifting, it was somehow running in nopython mode or at least getting the speed of nopython mode when the time.time was included in the function.

The mandel set image they all generated were correct too.

Hi @gmarkall,

Yes I did get much more consistent results removing the time.time (see my other reply to @Hannes) .

The time.time in the function was definitely confusing things :sweat_smile:


Glad things seem more consistent now :slight_smile:

The latest version at the moment is 0.52.0 - though, 0.53.0 should be out in a few days.


seems like Graham’s guess hit dead center - now everything looks right I’d say :slight_smile:

Just FYI: numba is currently at version 0.52 with version 0.53RC2 recently released. And I was referring to the version of llvmlite - a small Python wrapper used by numba to interact with LLVM afaik.

EDIT: Graham, you beat me by like 2 minutes :stuck_out_tongue:

oh ok thanks for letting me know (@hannes too). I’m all up to date now and will watch for the new updates. Cheers for the help :smiley: