Understanding RecordArray LLVM IR

hi there, I’m looking into Incorrect result copying array-typed field of structured array in 0.55.0rc1 · Issue #7693 · numba/numba · GitHub and I need some help/information.


I’m trying to understand the differences between functions set1 (which doesn’t work as per issue above) and set2 which does work.

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

src_dtype = np.dtype([
    ("user", np.float64),
    ("array", np.int16, (3,))
], align=True)

dest_dtype = np.dtype([
    ("user1", np.float64),
    ("array1", np.int16, (3,))
], align=True)

source = np.empty(5, dtype=src_dtype)
dest = np.empty(5, dtype=dest_dtype)
source[0] = (1.2, [1, 2, 3])

def set1(index, src, dest):
    dest['array1'] = src[index]['array']
    return dest

def set2(index, src, dest):
    dest['array1'][:] = src[index]['array']
    return dest

set1(0, source, dest[0])
set2(0, source, dest[0])

The numba ir of set1 seems fine (I guess), full ir here: set1_numba_ir - Pastebin.com
This part seems to handle the assignment, and I can’t see anything obviously wrong

$const8.3 = const(str, array)  :: Literal[str](array)
$10binary_subscr.4 = static_getitem(value=$6binary_subscr.2, index=array, index_var=$const8.3, fn=<built-in function getitem>) 
dest['array1'] = $10binary_subscr.4

Not seeing anything wrong in the numba ir, I’m now looking at LLVM IR to see how the assignment works at that level. I didn’t get very far because I’m confused by how the record array is represented in LLVM IR.
My understanding of the representation of normal, non-record arrays is that they are described by seven members in the data model

        members = [
            ('meminfo', types.MemInfoPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
            ('parent', types.pyobject),
            ('nitems', types.intp),
            ('itemsize', types.intp),
            ('data', types.CPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
            ('shape', types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
            ('strides', types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),

which translate to seven variables in llvm.

i8* %arg.arr.0, 
i8* %arg.arr.1,
i64 %arg.arr.2, 
i64 %arg.arr.3, 
double* %arg.arr.4, 
i64 %arg.arr.5.0, 
i64 %arg.arr.6.0

For a record array I see different llvm ir

i8* %arg.arr.0, 
i8* %arg.arr.1, 
i64 %arg.arr.2, 
i64 %arg.arr.3, 
[8 x i8]* %arg.arr.4, 
i64 %arg.arr.5.0, 
i64 %arg.arr.6.0

This was generated from this python array np.zeros(3, dtype=[('a', np.float64)]). The data member is an array pointer, but I don’t understand the [8 x i8] part. Why 8 times i8?


The 8 x i8 part is because an array of bytes is used to represent a record - your record contains a single float64, which requires 8 bytes to represent. If you had a dtype like:

dtype = [('a', np.float64), ('b', np.float64)]

then you’d see 16 x i8. To access the individual members Numba implements an index calculation and then a cast to the correct data type - for example accessing b would offset the address of the element by 8 then cast that to a double.

is this a common thing to do? I was reading the LLVM reference manual and it seems that LLVM IR has support for structures. I thought I would see those in the code.

I couldn’t find this bitcast trick in the llvm output from inspect_llvm but I found it in the llvm ir generated by numba which I extracted during debugging. I’m guessing this “raw” llvm IR is the IR before optimizations.
I found the cast you were describing, but I’m confused as how it works:

  %".129" = getelementptr inbounds [16 x i8], [16 x i8]* %"arg.dest", i32 0, i32 8 
  %".130" = bitcast i8* %".129" to {i8*, i8*, i64, i64, i16*, [1 x i64], [1 x i64]}*

As a reminder, this is the struct definition

dest_dtype = np.dtype([
    ("user1", np.float64),
    ("array1", np.int16, (3,))
], align=True)

As you said, I can see the data represented as [16 x i8]. Then the first line, %".129" represents the array1 element, ie the second half of the [16 x i8] array.
The second line confuses me. This remaining [8 x i8] array represents the data of a lenght-3 int16 nested array (plus padding). Why is it being bitcast to {i8*, i8*, i64, i64, i16*, [1 x i64], [1 x i64]} ? Am I wrong to think this bitcast is actually going outside the array?


This is the manifestation of the bug #7693 - I think you are looking right at the problem here :slightly_smiling_face:

I have it…as soon as I figure out where it’s coming from :slight_smile:

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