Hello. Everyone at numba
I am new to numba
I decided to use numba to perform numpy’s npconvolve, and compared the execution time and result value in the following three sample cases.
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
from numba import jit, njit, prange
a = np.random.randn(20, 100000).astype(np.float64)
b = np.random.randn(1, 5000).astype(np.float64)
b = np.reshape(b, b.size)
#case 1
def fnConvolve_np(fv, wa):
pk_np =
for co in range(20):
result_array = np.convolve(np.abs(fv[co, :]) ** 2, wa)
rms_array = np.sqrt(np.abs(result_array))
return pk_np
#case 2
@njit(parallel=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def fnConvolve_njit(fv, wa):
pk_njit =
for co in prange(20):
result_array = np.convolve(np.abs(fv[co, :]) ** 2, wa)
rms_array = np.sqrt(np.abs(result_array))
return pk_njit
#case 3
def fnConvolve_signal(fv, wa):
pk_signal =
for co in range(20):
result_array = signal.oaconvolve(np.abs(fv[co, :]) ** 2, wa)
rms_array = np.sqrt(np.abs(result_array))
return pk_signal
tnp = time.time()
print(np.round(fnConvolve_np(a, b), 3))
print('Numpy_Convolve : ', (time.time() - tnp))
tnjit = time.time()
print(np.round(fnConvolve_njit(a, b), 3))
print('Numba_Numpy_Convolve : ', (time.time() - tnjit))
tsignal = time.time()
print(np.round(fnConvolve_signal(a, b), 3))
print('Scipy_Convolve : ', (time.time() - tsignal))
The results are as follows.
[21.145 21.053 20.675 23.183 21.052 21.414 20.921 23.087 21.451 21.865
21.396 23.123 20.198 22.001 22.593 20.22 21.443 22.427 22.155 21.204]
Numpy_Convolve : 1.8918583393096924
[21.396 20.22 21.145 21.414 23.123 21.443 20.921 21.053 20.198 20.675
23.087 22.427 22.001 23.183 21.451 22.155 22.593 21.052 21.865 21.204]
Numba_Numpy_Convolve : 9.279757499694824
[21.145 21.053 20.675 23.183 21.052 21.414 20.921 23.087 21.451 21.865
21.396 23.123 20.198 22.001 22.593 20.22 21.443 22.427 22.155 21.204]
Scipy_Convolve : 0.22791457176208496
In terms of execution time, scipy was the fastest, and numba was the slowest.
And in the performance results, scipy and numpy showed the same results, but only numba shows different results.
I can’t figure out what the problem is.
I expected that numba, which performs parallel processing, would be the fastest, but I was wrong.