Hi all,
The upcoming Public Numba Dev meeting is on July 14th at 10:30 US central time. You can find instructions on how to join in the event details on this google calender. (Tips: adding it to your own calendar will convert the time to your timezone.)
We want to have a more defined agenda this time. So here’s are some topics that we can have:
- Discourse feedback. We started this Discourse forum as an action item from the last meeting and we want to gather any feedback on it.
- Daily task of maintainers: Short presentation from maintainers on maintaining Numba.
Themed discussion (perhaps one or two topics per meeting):
Some topic suggestions:- How can error messages be improved, what do different user groups need?
- What sort of metrics would it be good for Numba to produce? (compilation, runtime etc)
- What extra guidance/tutorial materials would be good to have?
- What’s “the one missing feature” that you really want?!
- Where should Numba be in 5 years time?
- <topics suggested by users>
Feel free to discuss which topic(s) to talk about, or indeed suggest new ones in the thread, topic selection will be based on popularity.
Hope to see you there!