Prange, race condition and writing to arrays

This is simplified representation of the calculation I am trying to do. I know one could vectorize the function and resolve the issue, but I am using the cosine function as a standalone for an involved calculation.

def freeOH_cosine(cosAngle=np.array([]),is_allCosAngle=False):
    for i in numba.prange(_M):
        if is_allCosAngle:
    if is_allCosAngle:
       return cosAngle, cos2Angle, cos3Angle, Angle*180.0/np.pi
       return cosAngle, np.nan, np.nan, Angle*180.0/np.pi

With what I have read online, writing to an array in parallel can create a whole host of problems. So If we have a case where one needs to extract individual array elements, what should be done in that case? I am sorry if this seems elementary, but it is not exactly clear to me how can one extract granular information from a parallelized calculation if it is unsafe to write in parallel.

What’s unsafe about writing into numpy array in parallel?

I should have clearly mentioned it. I meant race conditions.

I guess I’m missing something. What is the race condition with writing to different array indexes in parallel?

Hi, I think I am getting confused here. Can I post a new question and link it to you?