Performance benchmark

I am doing some benchmarking on accelerators for python. In below example, tensorflow runs at about 56% of the numba runtime:

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from numba import njit, prange

def compute_tf(m, n):
    x1 = tf.range(0, m-1, 1) ** 2
    x2 = tf.range(0, n-1, 1) ** 2
    return x1[:, None] + x2[None, :]

compute_tf(tf.constant(1), tf.constant(1))

m = 50000
n = 10000

%timeit compute_tf(m, n)

557 ms ± 30.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

def compute_numba(m, n):
    x = np.empty((m, n))
    for i in prange(m):
        for j in prange(n):
            x[i, j] =  i**2 + j**2
    return x

compute_numba(1, 1)

%timeit compute_numba(m, n)

995 ms ± 38.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

This is a very simple computation, so I don’t really see why the TF-version would run any faster. Do you have any idea on how I can make the numba-version run on par with TF?

Double check that the programs are equivalent, the numba one is doing n*m pow(x,2) operations but the tensorflow one is doing only n + m.

Good point, thanks @DannyWeitekamp. However, I rewrote the numba version to be exactly equivalent, and the results stay the same:

def compute_numba(m, n):
    x1 = np.arange(0, m-1)**2
    x2 = np.arange(0, n-1)**2
    return x1.reshape(-1, 1) + x2.reshape(1, -1)

compute_numba(1, 1)

%timeit compute_numba(m, n)

1.11 s ± 9.47 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Are the dtypes the same throughout? Is Tensorflow producing an int32 from range in the case of integer inputs: ?

Also, if you strength reduce x**2 to x * x does that help?

That was it, TF was producing int32. Also, taking **2 on the arange with type np.int32 converted to np.int64 in numba, but strength reducing preserved type which put numba at par. I guess it makes sense then that numba took about twice the time, since it was allocating twice the memory. Many thanks @stuartarchibald!

@bdch1234 No problem, glad it’s resolved :slight_smile:

Also, going back to the first implementation of numba actually makes it slightly faster than TF now:

def compute_numba_2(m, n):
    x = np.empty((m, n), np.int32)
    for i in prange(n):
        for j in prange(m):
            x[i, j] = j**2 + i**2
    return x

compute_numba_2(1, 1)

%timeit compute_numba_2(m, n)

426 ms ± 14.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

And further improving by strength reducing the inner loop, makes numba run at about 25% of the TF time! :slight_smile:

def compute_numba_3(m, n):
    x = np.empty((m, n), np.int32)
    for i in prange(n):
        for j in prange(m):
            x[i, j] = j*j + i*i
    return x

compute_numba_3(1, 1)

%timeit compute_numba_3(m, n)

142 ms ± 4.62 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)