NotImplementedError: No definition for lowering static_getitem(List(int64, True), Literal[int](0)) -> int64

I am so confused about this error and I really need someone’s help. I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

This is my code:

def opti_field_line(point1, point2, z, u_final):
    h = 540
    w = 960
    wavelength = 0.000532
    PS = 0.0108
    PI = 3.14159265358979323846
    a, b = cuda.grid(2)  # 2D grid
    p1_x = point1[0]  # Store the values outside the loop
    p2_x = point2[0]

    if a < h and b < w:
        if b > p1_x/PS+w/2 and b < p2_x/PS+w/2:
            if b < (p1_x+math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2 and b > (p1_x-math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2:
                if b < (p2_x+math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2 and b > (p2_x-math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2:
                    t1 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p1_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    t2 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p2_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    u_final[a, b] += 1/4 * (1+1j) * math.sqrt(2*wavelength*z) * 1/z * cmath.exp(1j*2*PI/wavelength*z) * cmath.exp(1j*PI/wavelength/z*(point1[1]-(a-h/2)*PS)**2) * (1/(1j-1) * math.sqrt(2/PI) * ((2*t1-1/5*t1**5+1/108*t1**9) + 1j*(-2/3*t1**3+1/21*t1**7+1/660*t1**11)) + 1/(1j-1) * math.sqrt(2/PI) * ((2*t2-1/5*t2**5+1/108*t2**9) + 1j*(-2/3*t2**3+1/21*t2**7+1/660*t2**11)))
                    t1 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p1_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    t2 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p2_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    u_final[a, b] += 1/4 * (1+1j) * math.sqrt(2*wavelength*z) * 1/z * cmath.exp(1j*2*PI/wavelength*z) * cmath.exp(1j*PI/wavelength/z*(point1[1]-(a-h/2)*PS)**2) * (1/(1j-1) * math.sqrt(2/PI) * ((2*t1-1/5*t1**5+1/108*t1**9) + 1j*(-2/3*t1**3+1/21*t1**7+1/660*t1**11)) + -1*math.copysign(1, t2)+ (1-1j)/2 * math.sqrt(2/PI) * cmath.exp(-1j*t2**2)/t2)
                if b < (p2_x+math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2 and b > (p2_x-math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2:
                    t1 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p1_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    t2 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p2_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    u_final[a, b] += 1/4 * (1+1j) * math.sqrt(2*wavelength*z) * 1/z * cmath.exp(1j*2*PI/wavelength*z) * cmath.exp(1j*PI/wavelength/z*(point1[1]-(a-h/2)*PS)**2) * (-1*math.copysign(1, t1)+ (1-1j)/2 * math.sqrt(2/PI) * cmath.exp(-1j*t1**2)/t1 + 1/(1j-1) * math.sqrt(2/PI) * ((2*t2-1/5*t2**5+1/108*t2**9) + 1j*(-2/3*t2**3+1/21*t2**7+1/660*t2**11)))
                    t1 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p1_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    t2 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p2_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    u_final[a, b] += 1/4 * (1+1j) * math.sqrt(2*wavelength*z) * 1/z * cmath.exp(1j*2*PI/wavelength*z) * cmath.exp(1j*PI/wavelength/z*(point1[1]-(a-h/2)*PS)**2) * (-1*math.copysign(1, t1)+ (1-1j)/2 * math.sqrt(2/PI) * cmath.exp(-1j*t1**2)/t1 + -1*math.copysign(1, t2)+ (1-1j)/2 * math.sqrt(2/PI) * cmath.exp(-1j*t2**2)/t2)
            if b < (p1_x+math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2 and b > (p1_x-math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2:
                if b < (p2_x+math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2 and b > (p2_x-math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2:
                    t1 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p1_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    t2 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p2_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    u_final[a, b] += 1/4 * (1+1j) * math.sqrt(2*wavelength*z) * 1/z * cmath.exp(1j*2*PI/wavelength*z) * cmath.exp(1j*PI/wavelength/z*(point1[1]-(a-h/2)*PS)**2) * (1/(1j-1) * math.sqrt(2/PI) * ((2*t2-1/5*t2**5+1/108*t2**9) + 1j*(-2/3*t2**3+1/21*t2**7+1/660*t2**11)) - 1/(1j-1) * math.sqrt(2/PI) * ((2*t1-1/5*t1**5+1/108*t1**9) + 1j*(-2/3*t1**3+1/21*t1**7+1/660*t1**11)))
                    t1 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p1_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    t2 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p2_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    u_final[a, b] += 1/4 * (1+1j) * math.sqrt(2*wavelength*z) * 1/z * cmath.exp(1j*2*PI/wavelength*z) * cmath.exp(1j*PI/wavelength/z*(point1[1]-(a-h/2)*PS)**2) * (-1*math.copysign(1, t2)+ (1-1j)/2 * math.sqrt(2/PI) * cmath.exp(-1j*t2**2)/t2 - 1/(1j-1) * math.sqrt(2/PI) * ((2*t1-1/5*t1**5+1/108*t1**9) + 1j*(-2/3*t1**3+1/21*t1**7+1/660*t1**11)))
                if b < (p2_x+math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2 and b > (p2_x-math.sqrt(wavelength*z/PS))/PS+w/2:
                    t1 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p1_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    t2 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p2_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    u_final[a, b] += 1/4 * (1+1j) * math.sqrt(2*wavelength*z) * 1/z * cmath.exp(1j*2*PI/wavelength*z) * cmath.exp(1j*PI/wavelength/z*(point1[1]-(a-h/2)*PS)**2) * (1/(1j-1) * math.sqrt(2/PI) * ((2*t2-1/5*t2**5+1/108*t2**9) + 1j*(-2/3*t2**3+1/21*t2**7+1/660*t2**11)) + math.copysign(1, t1)+ (1-1j)/2 * math.sqrt(2/PI) * cmath.exp(-1j*t1**2)/t1)
                    t1 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p1_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    t2 = math.sqrt(PI/wavelength/z) * abs(p2_x-(b-w/2)*PS)
                    u_final[a, b] += 1/4 * (1+1j) * math.sqrt(2*wavelength*z) * 1/z * cmath.exp(1j*2*PI/wavelength*z) * cmath.exp(1j*PI/wavelength/z*(point1[1]-(a-h/2)*PS)**2) * (-1*math.copysign(1, t2)+ (1-1j)/2 * math.sqrt(2/PI) * cmath.exp(-1j*t2**2)/t2 + math.copysign(1, t1)+ (1-1j)/2 * math.sqrt(2/PI) * cmath.exp(-1j*t1**2)/t1)

h = 540
w = 960
TPB = 16
u_final = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.complex128)
threadsperblock = (TPB, TPB)
blockspergrid_x = math.ceil(u_final.shape[0]/threadsperblock[0])
blockspergrid_y = math.ceil(u_final.shape[1]/threadsperblock[1])
blockspergrid = (blockspergrid_x, blockspergrid_y)

u_final_gpu = cuda.to_device(u_final)
opti_field_line[blockspergrid, threadsperblock]([-1, -1], [1, -1], 100, u_final_gpu)

This is error:

NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/numba/core/ in lower_expr(self, resty, expr)
   1323                 # raise NotImplementedError if the types aren't supported
-> 1324                 impl = self.context.get_function("static_getitem", signature)
   1325                 return impl(self.builder,

38 frames
NotImplementedError: No definition for lowering static_getitem(List(int64, True), Literal[int](0)) -> int64

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

NumbaRuntimeError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/numba/core/runtime/ in _require_nrt(self)
     40     def _require_nrt(self):
     41         if not self._enabled:
---> 42             raise errors.NumbaRuntimeError("NRT required but not enabled")
     44     def _check_null_result(func):

NumbaRuntimeError: Failed in cuda mode pipeline (step: native lowering)
NRT required but not enabled
During: lowering "p1_x = static_getitem(value=point1, index=0, index_var=$const38.13, fn=<built-in function getitem>)" at <ipython-input-35-c57b7822beb9> (9)

It runs pretty well in CPU mode. But I really want to transfer this to GPU to speed up the code. The equations to calculate each pixel’s value is really long and it contains 8 different situations. It is complex number also. Hope someone could help with this

Seems like the error is related to passing point1 and point2 as lists. You might try passing numpy arrays or tuples instead. I’m not familiar with what does and doesn’t work with cuda, but I suppose it would make sense that cuda doesn’t like the List type since it is resizable. GPUs tend to want predictable preallocted memory to properly apply SIMD operations over, so it makes sense if all of the ListType wasn’t implemented. Additional you’ll probably eck out a little extra speed by avoiding lists since they don’t unbox into numba particularly efficiently at the moment.


Thank you so much!!! According to your suggestion, I changed the point1 and point2 to np.array type. The code can run perfectly and fast right now. Appreciate your help again!