I´m trying to make an array with numpy for to later insert tuples into indexes.
This is the relevant line: lis=np.zeros(int((n+1)*(n/2+1)), dtype=(np.int16,np.int16,np.int16))
And it gives out this error:
`TypingError: No implementation of function Function() found for signature:
zeros(int64, dtype=UniTuple(class(int16) x 3))
There are 2 candidate implementations:
- Of which 2 did not match due to:
Overload of function ‘zeros’: File: numba\core\typing\npydecl.py: Line 504.
With argument(s): ‘(int64, dtype=UniTuple(class(int16) x 3))’:
No match.`
What other numpy function can I use to make an array like this one?