Multiple calls of numba jitted functions fail

Hello everyone. I am attempting to use NUMBA for speeding up an MD simulation code. The jitted functions themselves work fine. I have a function that basically updates the position and velocities (and ‘angles’ which is some kind of direction pointing at the ‘vision’ of each particle). Calling the function
iterate(pos,vel,ang,Nrun=1), fails for multiple runs. (i.e. Nrun = 100 or so). I am not sure what is going wrong as the functions themselves work fine but the kernel dies if I call the function multiple times. Any help would be appreciated.

calling verlet_step(…) without updating parameters runs fine for multiple runs
but calling verlet_step(…update_each_step). fails if i update pos and vel at each step… I think the error is somehow related to updating them, but I cannot tell what the issue is.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Sep  5 11:56:11 2022

@author: priyankaiyer

This code will be written in python and acclerated using numba. A code capable of simulating ABP with vision is written 

import numpy as np
import numba
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

def calc_neigh_grid(index,pos):
    index, pos : float
        tag and Positions of particles

    particles sorted into grids in the simulation box for neighbour calcuation (O(N))
    box_indx returns box indices of 'real' particles 
    box_count counts number of particles in each 'box'

    index_b, pos_b = add_periodic(index,pos)
    ##re-define r_cut such that simulation box is  'equaly divided'
    box_count = np.zeros((nbox,nbox),dtype=np.int_)
    box_indx = np.zeros((pos.shape[0],2),dtype=np.int_)
    First sort boudary particles into the grid. 
    for i in range(pos_b.shape[0]):
        nx = int(np.floor(((pos_b[i,0]+rcut)/rcut_new)))
        ny = int(np.floor(((pos_b[i,1]+rcut)/rcut_new)))
        box_count[nx,ny]+= 1        
    for i in range(pos.shape[0]):
        nx = int(np.floor(((pos[i,0]+rcut)/rcut_new)))
        ny = int(np.floor(((pos[i,1]+rcut)/rcut_new)))
        box_count[nx,ny]+= 1
        box_indx[i,0] = nx
        box_indx[i,1] = ny 
    return box_indx, box_count
def add_periodic(index,pos):
    index,pos : float
        tags and Position  of particles

    Returns position of 'boundary' particles. This vector doesnt have a consstant size (possible orror ?)


    left = pos[pos[:,0]>(L-rcut)] -np.array([L,0.0]);
    right = pos[pos[:,0]<(rcut)]  + np.array([L,0.0])      ;       
    up = pos[pos[:,1]<(rcut)]   + np.array([0.0,L])  ;
    down = pos[pos[:,1]>(L-rcut)] - np.array([0.0,L]) ;
    corner1 = pos[(pos[:,0]>(L-rcut)) & (pos[:,1]>(L-rcut))] + np.array([-L,-L]);
    corner2 = pos[(pos[:,0]>(L-rcut)) & (pos[:,1]<(rcut))]   + np.array([-L,L]);
    corner3 = pos[(pos[:,0]<(rcut))   & (pos[:,1]>(L-rcut))] +np.array( [L,-L]);
    corner4 = pos[(pos[:,0]<(rcut))   & (pos[:,1]<(rcut))]   + np.array([L,L]);
    pos_new = np.vstack((left,right,up,down,corner1,corner2,corner3,corner4))
    left1 = index[pos[:,0]>(L-rcut)];
    right1 = index[pos[:,0]<(rcut)];
    up1 = index[pos[:,1]<(rcut)];
    down1 = index[pos[:,1]>(L-rcut)];
    corner11 = index[(pos[:,0]>(L-rcut)) & (pos[:,1]>(L-rcut))];
    corner22 = index[(pos[:,0]>(L-rcut)) & (pos[:,1]<(rcut))];
    corner33 = index[(pos[:,0]<(rcut))   & (pos[:,1]>(L-rcut))];
    corner44 = index[(pos[:,0]<(rcut))   & (pos[:,1]<(rcut))];
    index_new = np.hstack((left1,right1,up1,down1,corner11,corner22,corner33,corner44))
    return index_new,pos_new
def plot_grid(pos,pos_b):
     plots the simulation box,also showing image particles 
     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
     ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
     n = int((L+3*rcut)/rcut)
     rcut_new = (L+3*rcut)/n
     major_ticks = np.arange(-3*rcut/2, L+3*rcut/2, rcut_new)
     rect=mpatches.Rectangle((0,0), L,L, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none')

def LJ(dr,r):
    f = 24*eps*(2*((sigma/r)**(12))-(sigma/r)**(6))*dr
    return f

def vision_(phi,psi1,r):
    return omega*np.exp(-r/R0)*np.sin(phi-psi1)

def calc_force(pos,ang,box_indx,box_count):
    pos : TYPE
        Positions of particles 
        orientation angle of the particles 
    box_indx : TYPE
        array containing the index of the bin the particle belongs to 

    f : TYPE
        the net force acting on each particle due to- lennard jones, vision interactoion and noise 
        time deriative of the vision angles of each partticle

    f = np.zeros_like(pos)
    index_b, pos_b = add_periodic(index,pos)
    phidot = np.zeros_like(ang)
    n_hood = np.array(([0,0],[0,1],[0,-1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,-1],[-1,0],[-1,1],[-1,-1]))
    for i in numba.prange(pos.shape[0]):
        nx = box_indx[i,0]
        ny = box_indx[i,1]
        N_vc = 0.0
        for j in range(9):
            nxx = nx+ n_hood[j,0]
            nyy = ny+n_hood[j,1]
            if (box_count[nxx,nyy]):
                part_neigh =  np.where(((box_indx[:,0] == nxx) & (box_indx[:,1] == nyy)))[0]
                for count in range(0,box_count[nxx,nyy]):
                    k = part_neigh[count] ##loop over particle neighbourhood
                    if (i!=k-1):
                        if nxx == 0 or nyy == 0 or (nxx == box_count.shape[0]-1) or (nyy == box_count.shape[0]-1):
                            kk = np.where(index_b==k)[0][0]
                            dist  = ((pos[i,0]-pos_b[kk,0])**2 + (pos[i,1]-pos_b[kk,1])**2)**0.5
                            dr = (pos_b[kk]-pos[i])/dist
                            dist  = ((pos[i,0]-pos[k-1,0])**2 + (pos[i,1]-pos[k-1,1])**2)**0.5
                            dr = (pos[k-1]-pos[i])/dist
                        if dist<4*R0:
                            phi = np.arctan2(dr[1],dr[0])
                            if np.cos(phi-ang[i])>=np.cos(vis_angle):
                                phidot[i] += vision_(phi,ang[i],dist)
                                N_vc += np.exp(-dist/R0)
                            if dist < 1.22:
                                f[i]+=  LJ(dr,dist)
        if (N_vc):
            phidot[i] = phidot[i]/N_vc
    f = f + np.random.normal(loc=0.0,scale=np.sqrt(2*gamma*dt),size=f.shape) 
    phidot = phidot + np.random.normal(loc=0.0,scale=np.sqrt(2*Dr*dt),size=phidot.shape)
    return f,phidot 

def iterate(pos,vel,ang,Nrun):

    pos : TYPE
        particle position
    vel : TYPE
        particle velocity
    ang : TYPE
        vision angle
    Nrun : TYPE
        number of MD steps

    pos : TYPE
        updated position after time t= dt*nrun 
    vel : TYPE
        updated velcotiy after time t= dt*nrun 
    ang : TYPE
        updated vision angle after time t= dt*nrun 

    #r1 = pos
    box_indx, box_count = calc_neigh_grid(index,pos)
    for i in range(Nrun):
        pos,vel,ang = verlet_step(pos,vel,ang, box_indx, box_count)
        #dr = pos-r1
        #max_disp = np.max(np.sqrt((dr*dr).sum(axis=1)))
        if i%2==0:
            #track displacements and recalc. neighbours 
            box_indx, box_count = calc_neigh_grid(index,pos)
    return pos,vel,ang 


def verlet_step(pos,vel,ang, box_indx, box_count):

    pos : TYPE
        particle position
    vel : TYPE
        particle velocity
    ang : TYPE
        vision angle
    box_indx : TYPE
        box indices of 'real' particles
    box_count : TYPE
        number of particles in each 'box'

    pos : TYPE
       single step update of position
    vel : TYPE
        single step update of velocity
    ang : TYPE
        single step update of angle

    f,phi_dot = calc_force(pos,ang,box_indx,box_count)
    f = f -gamma*vel + gamma*v0*np.hstack((np.cos(ang),np.sin(ang)))
    pos = pos + dt*vel + 0.5*dt*dt*f
    pos = pos%L
    ang = ang + dt*phi_dot 
    fnew ,phi_ = calc_force(pos,ang,box_indx,box_count)
    fnew = fnew - gamma*vel + gamma*v0*np.hstack((np.cos(ang),np.sin(ang)))
    vel = vel + 0.5*dt*(f+fnew)
    return pos,vel,ang 

System parameters:
L     box length, 
N     is number of particles, 
pos   x,y coordiates initaited randomly. 
R     particle radius
R_cut cut-off vision interactions 
skin  skin for recalc. 
V0    paritcle velocity 

L = 250.0
N = 5*5
R =0.5
rcut =5*1.5
n_max = int(rcut*rcut/(np.pi*R*R))

Pe = sigma*v0/Dt
eps = 0.1
nbox = int((L+3*rcut)/rcut)
rcut_new = (L+3*rcut)/nbox

index = np.arange(1,N+1,dtype='int')
#pos = np.random.uniform(0,L,size=(N,2))
dx = np.linspace(rcut,L-rcut,int(N**0.5))
x,y=np.meshgrid(dx, dx, indexing='ij')
pos = np.vstack((x.flatten(),y.flatten()))
pos = pos.transpose()
ang = np.random.uniform(0,np.pi,size=(N,1))
vel = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(N,1))
index_b,pos_b = add_periodic(index,pos)

Compile functions
box_indx, box_count= calc_neigh_grid(index,pos);
verlet_step(pos,vel,ang, box_indx, box_count);


pos,vel,ang=iterate(pos,vel,ang,Nrun=10000);  ##this fails 

# index = np.arange(1,N+1,dtype='int')
# #pos = np.random.uniform(0,L,size=(N,2))
# dx = np.linspace(rcut,L-rcut,int(N**0.5))
# x,y=np.meshgrid(dx, dx, indexing='ij')
# pos = np.vstack((x.flatten(),y.flatten()))
# pos = pos.transpose()
# ang = np.random.uniform(0,np.pi,size=(N,1))
# vel = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(N,1))
# index_b,pos_b = add_periodic(index,pos)
# plot_grid(pos,pos_b)

#index_b,pos_b = add_periodic(index,pos)

#box_indx, box_count = calc_neigh_grid(index,pos)

#%timeit calc_neigh_grid(index,pos)
#%timeit calc_force(pos,ang,box_indx,box_count)

I’ve had a very brief look at this so far, and I note:

  • Even for Nrun=1 the compilation time is quite large (over one minute)
  • It sometimes segfaults even with Nrun=1.

When Nrun=10000, one example of a segfault is:

Thread 1 "python" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007fffacf66ffb in __main__::calc_force[abi:v149][abi:c8tJTIcFHzwl2ILiXkcBV0KBSgP9CGZpAgA_3d](Array<double, 2, A, mutable, aligned>, Array<double, 2, C, mutable, aligned>, Array<long long, 2, C, mutable, aligned>, Array<long long, 2, C, mutable, aligned>) ()

If I run this without Numba (by commenting out all the jit decorators and replacing prange with range) this quickly throws a Python exception:

$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gmarkall/numbadev/issues/discourse-1563/", line 347, in <module>
    pos,vel,ang=iterate(pos,vel,ang,Nrun=10000);  ##this fails 
  File "/home/gmarkall/numbadev/issues/discourse-1563/", line 227, in iterate
    pos,vel,ang = verlet_step(pos,vel,ang, box_indx, box_count)
  File "/home/gmarkall/numbadev/issues/discourse-1563/", line 271, in verlet_step
    f,phi_dot = calc_force(pos,ang,box_indx,box_count)
  File "/home/gmarkall/numbadev/issues/discourse-1563/", line 169, in calc_force
    k = part_neigh[count] ##loop over particle neighbourhood
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

Adding the boundscheck=True kwarg to the @jit calls also causes Numba to report the issue:

$ python 
debug: IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gmarkall/numbadev/issues/discourse-1563/", line 347, in <module>
    pos,vel,ang=iterate(pos,vel,ang,Nrun=10000);  ##this fails 
IndexError: index is out of bounds

So, it looks like your np.where() call to calculate part_neigh in calc_force() sometimes returns an array of size 0, which the following code assumes is not of size 0.

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Thanks a lot for looking into it. I notice now that the array is sometimes empty which raises the error, I have now fixed this so that it is non-empty and runs perfectly! thanks a lot.

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