Is numpy.split supported in numba?

When working with some internal code in my job. I realize some code I got from others run with numpy.split inside jitted function and it works. But I can not find any documentation on support of this numpy feature. Any idea what’s the status of support for overloading numpy.split in numba?

My use case is to have a 1d array A of sorted non-decreasing dates (converted to int64 type). For other 1d array, 2d array where axis=0 has same length as array A. I would like to a groupby summation operation based on dates in array A. I had some naive implementation in numba, but seems to be much slower than code I got where numpy.spilt is used in numba. Any other thoughts on solving this problem is very welcomed. Thanks!

np.split was implemented in this PR, but the documentation doesn’t seem to have been updated to reflect this

Ah! Thanks! No wonder I couldn’t find it in the doc. Since np.split is bit of special in that it does not return one array but a list of array. What’s the return type when calling overloaded numpy.split function in numba? a homogenous tuple of array with the same dtype as input array? or a Typed list?

If np.split is missing from the docs, that’s clearly a bug and probably a straightforward contribution to fix.