How to declare an array of enum values that is compatible with numba?

I’m new to numba and trying to numbafy an existing python script to hopefully make it run faster.

I’m declaring an array that I want to pass to the constructor of my CheckerBoardState class, but it’s being rejected because it is of type list(Enum<int64>(Cell)) but it need to be type ListType[<enum 'Cell'>]. How do I specify the correct type?

Cannot cast reflected list(Enum<int64>(Cell))<iv=None> to ListType[<enum 'Cell'>]: %"inserted.parent" = insertvalue {i8*, i8*} %"inserted.meminfo.1", i8* %"arg.pieces.1", 1
from numba.experimental import jitclass
from numba import njit, types
from typing import List
from enum import Enum

class Cell(Enum):
    EMPTY = 0
    BLACK = 1
    BLACK_KING = 2
    WHITE = 3
    WHITE_KING = 4

@jitclass([('black_to_move', types.bool), ('pieces', types.ListType(Cell))])
class CheckerBoardState:
    def __init__(self, black_to_move:bool, pieces:List[Cell]):
        self.black_to_move = black_to_move
        self.pieces = pieces

board_start:CheckerBoardState = CheckerBoardState(True, [
    Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, 
    Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, 
    Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, 

    Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, 
    Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, 

    Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, 
    Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, 
    Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, 

You can try

from numba import typed

@jitclass([('black_to_move', types.bool), ('pieces', types.ListType(types.EnumMember(Cell, types.int64)))])
class CheckerBoardState:
    def __init__(self, black_to_move:bool, pieces:List[Cell]):
        self.black_to_move = black_to_move
        self.pieces = pieces

board_start:CheckerBoardState = CheckerBoardState(True, typed.List([
    Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, 
    Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, 
    Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, Cell.BLACK, 

    Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, 
    Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, Cell.EMPTY, 

    Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, 
    Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, 
    Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, Cell.WHITE, 

That being said, List is relatively slow. Numpy array will likely be faster.