How to create a list with functions (and dictionaries and lists as a function argument)

Hi everyone,

I know this topic is very similar to previous topics, but for my specific case, it does not work. Even without @jit, I get the error “unhashable type: 'List’”

Anyone knows how to make ‘createlistoffunctions’ work and then ‘MainFunction’.
Thank you so much!

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from   kMC_PS_Polymerization_Functions import MC_Styrene

from numba import jit
from numba.typed import Dict, List
from numba.types import ListType, DictType, int64, unicode_type, FunctionType
from numba import types 

@jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def Function1(species:dict, nestedspecies:dict, m:list) -> None:
    species[m[0]]  -= 1
    species[m[1]]  += 2
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def Function2(species:dict, nestedspecies:dict, m:list) -> None:
    species[m[0]]  -= 1
    species[m[1]]  -= 1
    species[m[2]]  += 1

def createlistoffunctions(function_type): 
    event_list = List.empty_list(function_type)
    return event_list

def MainFunction(species, species_l, rfunctions, reacspecies):
    # Ideally:def MainFunction(species, species_l, r): # r considering rfunctions and reacspecies
    i = 0
    # Ideally: r[i][0](species, species_l, r[i][1])
    rfunctions[i](species, species_l, reacspecies[i])
    rfunctions[i](species, species_l, reacspecies[i])
    i = 1
    rfunctions[i](species, species_l, reacspecies[i])
    rfunctions[i](species, species_l, reacspecies[i])

species       = Dict()
species_l     = Dict.empty(key_type=unicode_type,value_type=ListType(int64))
for k, v in {"A":int(100), "B":int(0), "C":int(500), "D":int(0)}.items(): 
    species[k]       = v
    species_l[k]     = List.empty_list(int64)

## Ideally I would like to have 'r', but struggling to figure out how to use it with numba
# r    = [[Function1, ["A", "B"]],
#         [Function2, ["B", "C", "C_Length"]]]

# rfunctions    = [Function1, Function2]    # Works without Numba 
function_type = List.empty_list(FunctionType(int64(DictType(unicode_type, int64), DictType(unicode_type, ListType(int64)), ListType(ListType(unicode_type)))))
rfunctions    = createlistoffunctions(function_type)

reacspecies   = [["A", "B"], ["B", "C", "D", "D_Length"]]

MainFunction(species, species_l, rfunctions, reacspecies)