How to call a cuda.jit function in a njit function?

When I call a cuda.jit function in a njit function, then the following error appeared.

numba.core.errors.TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: nopython frontend)
Untyped global name 'random_3d': Cannot determine Numba type of <class 'numba.cuda.compiler.Dispatcher'>
def random_3d(arr, rng_states):
    # Per-dimension thread indices and strides
    startx, starty, startz = cuda.grid(3)
    stridex, stridey, stridez = cuda.gridsize(3)

    # Linearized thread index
    tid = (startz * stridey * stridex) + (starty * stridex) + startx

    # Use strided loops over the array to assign a random value to each entry
    for i in range(startz, arr.shape[0], stridez):
        for j in range(starty, arr.shape[1], stridey):
            for k in range(startx, arr.shape[2], stridex):
                arr[i, j, k] = xoroshiro128p_uniform_float32(rng_states, tid)
def cal(hdrs):
    _, W, H, C = hdrs.shape
    # Array dimensions
    X, Y, Z = 256, 256, 256

    # Block and grid dimensions
    bx, by, bz = 8, 8, 8
    gx, gy, gz = 16, 16, 16

    # Total number of threads
    nthreads = bx * by * bz * gx * gy * gz
    # Initialize a state for each thread

    rng_states = _create_xoroshiro128p_states(nthreads, seed=1)
    rand_nums_gpu = cuda.device_array((X, Y, Z), dtype=np.float32)
    random_3d[(gx, gy, gz), (bx, by, bz)](rand_nums_gpu, rng_states)

It’s not presently possible to call @cuda.jit functions from @njit functions. You could try wrapping the call in a with objmode block - though it might not be worth making the call from an @njit function here, as overall it might not bring any increase in performance.

Thank you for your reply. I See. I need more than 40,000,000,000 float64 random numbers. It’s a waste of memory if generating all of them at one time. So I’d like to generate part of them many times in a @njit function. Maybe I should think of a workaround method.

The with objmode block could be the workaround you need - have you tried it to see if it helps?