How do I solve this numba.core.errors.TypingError?

This code:

import numpy as np, numba as nb

@nb.njit(fastmath=True, locals=dict(image=nb.float32[:, :], peakMin=nb.float32))
def getProfile(image, peakMin=16):
  h, w = image.shape
  ds = np.zeros(h, dtype='f4')
  ps = np.full(h, peakMin, dtype='i4')
  cs = np.zeros(2, dtype='f4')

  for ir in range(h):
    for ic in range(3, w-4):
      a, b, c, d, e, f, g = image[ir, ic-3:ic+4]

      if (peakH := max(d-a, d-g)) > ps[ir] and a < b < c < d > e > f > g:
        l0 = max(a, g)
        l1 = (d+l0)/2

        for i, l in enumerate([l0, l1]):
          if a <= l < b:
            x0 = (l-a)/(b-a) - 3
          elif b <= l < c:
            x0 = (l-b)/(c-b) - 2
            x0 = (l-c)/(d-c) - 1

          if g <= l < f:
            x1 = 3 - (l-g)/(f-g)
          elif f <= l < e:
            x1 = 2 - (l-f)/(e-f)
            x1 = 1 - (l-e)/(d-e) 

          cs[i] = (x0+x1)/2
        ds[ir] = 2*cs[1]-cs[0] + ic

  return ds

a = np.random.randint(255, size=(16, 16)).astype('f4')

produces the following output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/paul/upwork/debone/code/profiler/", line 40, in <module>
  File "/home/paul/upwork/debone/code/profiler/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numba/core/", line 468, in _compile_for_args
    error_rewrite(e, 'typing')
  File "/home/paul/upwork/debone/code/profiler/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numba/core/", line 409, in error_rewrite
    raise e.with_traceback(None)
numba.core.errors.TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: nopython frontend)
Type of variable '$322call.31' cannot be determined, operation: unknown operation, location: unknown location (0:0)

File "unknown location", line 0:
<source missing, REPL/exec in use?>

Is there anything I can do to get this function compiled?

I played with code simplification and found a solution. Assignment expression was the problem. This function compiles after replacing:

      if (peakH := max(d-a, d-g)) > ps[ir] and a < b < c < d > e > f > g:


      peakH = max(d-a, d-g)

      if peakH > ps[ir] and a < b < c < d > e > f > g: