Filtering array elements and computing accumulated results

I am trying to decouple filtering and cumulative calculation that I have to perform over large arrays.

As there are different filtering strategies and also a variety of calculations that can be made, decoupling is important to simplify testing and allow composability.

I don’t want to generat an intermediate filtered array as they can be very large. I would like to filter and calculate on the fly. But I was not able to do this in a way that performs well.

This is a very simplified example:

def myacum(elements1, elements2, el1_max, el2_max):
    out = 0
    for el1, el2 in zip(elements1, elements2):
        if el1 < el1_max and el2 < el2_max:
            out += el1 * el2
    return out

which I then rewrote using generators:

def filter_by_max(elements1, elements2, el1_max, el2_max):
    def func():
        for el1, el2 in zip(elements1, elements2):
            if el1 < el1_max and el2 < el2_max:
                yield el1, el2
    return func

def myacum2(it):
    out = 0
    for el1, el2 in it():
        out += el1 * el2
    return out

Is there a robust and performant way to achieve this decoupling?