Hi. I would like to print out a log message whenever Numba jit compiles for an unknown signature. I have looked a bit into the Numba code. I think I would need to create a custom decorator that checks the signature of the input and whether will Numba recompile for the input or not. How can I create a Numba signature from a given input and check if the CPUDispatcher will recompile for it? Is there an easier way to emit log messages for Numba?
hi! Do you want to know in advance whether a given input will trigger a new compilation, or would it be ok to know after the fact that a new compilation was performed?
If the latter works, Dispatcher objects have a signatures
property, and len(signatures)
will tell you for how many signatures the function has been compiled. If you could create a decorator that compares len(signatures)
before and after the execution.
You could do some hackish monkey patching
In [1]: import numba
In [2]: oldcomp = numba.core.registry.CPUDispatcher.compile
In [3]: def newcomp(*args, **kwargs):
...: print("I am compiling")
...: return oldcomp(*args, **kwargs)
In [4]: numba.core.registry.CPUDispatcher.compile = newcomp
In [5]: @numba.njit
...: def f(x):
...: return x
In [6]: f(1)
I am compiling
Out[6]: 1
In [7]: f(1.0)
I am compiling
Out[7]: 1.0
In [8]: f(1.0)
Out[8]: 1.0
As suggested by @luk-f-a finding out if something got compiled is relatively easy, e.g.
from numba import njit
import numpy as np
def logging_jit(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
origsigs = set(func.signatures)
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
newsigs = set(func.signatures)
if newsigs != origsigs:
new = (newsigs ^ origsigs).pop()
print("Numba compiled for signature: {}".format(new))
return result
return inner
def foo(a):
return a + 1
print(foo(4)) # first compile and run for int
print(foo(5)) # second is just a run, int sig is cached
print(foo(6.7)) # third is a compile and run for float
finding out if something is going to be compiled is trickier but there are ways of doing that, it’ll involve producing Numba type signatures from the arguments and then comparing them to what’s already in the dispatcher’s cache.
Great. Thanks for all 3 replies. It is perfectly fine for me to emit a message after compilation. I did not consider to simply check the number of signatures. Thanks for these simple solutions and examples!
I know this is a few years old, but I found this thread while searching for how to do this. None of the suggestions did exactly what I wanted, as they’ll still log even on a cache hit. Numba provides an event API for this, which I’d link to but the forum isn’t letting me. Just search for numba event api or search for event on the docs.
The TimingListener was a great example of how to implement a listener, I just modified mine to do logging on the end event. event.data has all the info on the function being compiled, so we were able to see why a function was being compiled that we expected to already have been compiled.