Can we remove the `c` argument to `typeof_impl`?

When registering type inference for Python values, as in the Interval Example, the function supplied must accept two parameters:

def typeof_index(val, c):
    return interval_type

The first, val, is sensible - it is the value being typed. The second appears to serve no purpose, and if I hack things a little bit so that it is always None, then nothing appears to go wrong - tested on CI here:

This was originally added in, with its sole purpose appearing to be differentiating int types depending on whether they were arguments or constants:

This use of it for differentiating int types was then removed shortly afterwards:

It feels like it would be nice to remove the c parameter, so that the example would become e.g.:

def typeof_index(val):
    return interval_type

rather than every typeof implementation carrying round an extra redundant parameter. I realise this will have a knock-on effect for anyone using it to extend Numba, but it seems a shame to leave in a vestige like this.

How would others feel about this change?

this PR seems to use it, in the line
return types.BaseTuple.from_types(tys, type(val), typeofctx=c) but I cannot tell whether it’s needed or the only way to achieve what’s trying to do.

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Ah, great find - it highlights that someone extending Numba might want to differentiate their typing based on whether the purpose is as an argument or a constant, so there is a reason to keep it - I no longer see any sense in suggesting removing it.

Many thanks!

I think it’s extremely uncommon, that’s why I remembered having seen it somewhere. Naively, I’d think this is unnecessary (type should be unique?), but apparently there could be cases where it’s needed.

In all the cases where I define a typeof_impl function in Awkward Array, I include the c parameter but never use it.

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