Any Customizable Container that Doesn't Box/Unbox when passed around?

I’ve noticed that how things get passed between numba and python can significantly effect the runtime. For example consider the following three ways of passing parameters into an njit function:

from numba import njit, f8
from numba.types import unicode_type, Tuple
from numba.typed import List
import timeit
def time_ms(f):
	f() #warm start
	return " %0.6f ms" % (1000.0*(timeit.timeit(f, number=N)/float(N)))

def separate(f1,f2,f3,f4, s1,s2,s3,s4):
	return f1 + f2 + f4 + f4 + len(s1) + len(s2) + len(s3) + len(s4)

def together(t):
	f1,f2,f3,f4,s1,s2,s3,s4 = t
	return f1 + f2 + f4 + f4 + len(s1) + len(s2) + len(s3) + len(s4)

def from_list(l):
	f1,f2,f3,f4,s1,s2,s3,s4 = l[0]
	return f1 + f2 + f4 + f4 + len(s1) + len(s2) + len(s3) + len(s4)

tup = (1,2,3,4,"A","BB", "CC", "DDD")

def s():

def t():

lst = List.empty_list(Tuple((f8,f8,f8,f8,unicode_type,unicode_type,unicode_type,unicode_type)))

def l():

print(time_ms(s)) # 0.006556 ms
print(time_ms(t)) # 0.040448 ms
print(time_ms(l)) # 0.001097 ms

Somewhat counter-intuitively wrapping the arguments in a tuple in a typed list works best. I assume this is because the actual guts of List() doesn’t get boxed/unboxed when you just pass it between numba and python. My use case involves moving a lot of different Dicts between python and numba. Most of the time I don’t need to read into these Dicts on the python side, but I do need to pass them around. It would be nice to have some kind of custom context object that was just like a struct or tuple that I could pass into numba functions and change as needed, but that doesn’t unbox into a native type.

My question is is there any straightforward way to make this sort of custom type that I can use to just pass around my dictionaries and stuff without any substantial boxing/unboxing. Something that can be AOT-compiled is preferable. Haven’t had much luck with jitclasses and structrefs, they don’t seem to vibe well with AOT compilation.

Seems my aversion to using structrefs for this purpose came about because of a bug possibly on numba’s end.

import numba as nb
from numba import njit, types, typed, float64, int64, f8
from numba.core import types
from numba.experimental import structref
from numba.core.extending import overload_method
from numba.pycc import CC

####   STRUCT STUFF   #####
class VectorStructType(types.StructRef):
    def preprocess_fields(self, fields):
        return tuple((name, types.unliteral(typ)) for name, typ in fields)

class VectorStruct(structref.StructRefProxy):
    def __new__(cls, x, y, z):
        return structref.StructRefProxy.__new__(cls, x, y, z)

    def x(self):
        return VectorStruct_get_x(self)

    def y(self):
        return VectorStruct_get_y(self)

    def z(self):
        return VectorStruct_get_z(self)

def VectorStruct_get_x(self):
    return self.x

def VectorStruct_get_y(self):
    return self.y

def VectorStruct_get_z(self):
    return self.z

structref.define_proxy(VectorStruct, VectorStructType, ["x", "y", "z"])
vector_struct_type = VectorStructType(fields=(('x', f8), ('y', f8), ('z', f8)))

####   FUNCTIONS    #####
cc = CC('my_module')
def add(v):
   return v.x + v.y + v.z


####   NJIT'ed    #####
v_f = VectorStruct(1.,2.,3.)
v_i = VectorStruct(1,2,3)

####   AOT'ed    #####
from my_module import add

v_f = VectorStruct(1.,2.,3.)
v_i = VectorStruct(1,2,3)

####   Sanity Check    #####
cc = CC('my_module2')
def add2(x,y,z):
   return x + y + z



from my_module2 import add2




In other words the function using an AOT compiled structref wasn’t properly casting the int arguments to floats. I assume this is just a minor bug with numba? Or maybe not because the AOT compiled code has a strict signature and shouldn’t bother casting… I’m not sure.

Anyway structrefs seem to be doing the trick so maybe I answered my own question :man_shrugging:

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