[ANN] Numba 0.55.2

Dear everyone,

on behalf of the Numba team, I am happy to announce that Numba 0.55.2 is now available! This is a patch-release to support both NumPy 1.22 and the Apple M1 architecture (osx-arm64).

You may install the conda-package from the numba channel on anaconda.org:

conda install -c numba numba=0.55.2

or the wheel via pip from PyPi:

pip install numba==0.55.2

You will find the release notes by pointing your browser at: Release Notes — Numba 0.55.2+0.g2298ad618.dirty-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg documentation

We hope you enjoy the release and kindly ask, that you report back any issues you encounter. Thank you for using Numba!


This is a huge step, thanks!

Thank you for the kind words. In case anyone was wondering: the “big lift” here was to integrate a native M1 into the Anaconda Build Farm so that we can build and run across all supported versions of Python and a good deal of available NumPys in an automated fashion. That is now in place and largely debugged so we can easily test main on an M1 during development and also easily ship both conda packages and wheels.

I have an M1 and this is surely an awesome news. Thanks to the entire team.

On a side note, I am still waiting (>1.5yrs) for this pull request to merge someday.
