Mutual Recursion

Hi @nelson2005,

I think scipy.special exports ntdr as a cython export and Numba can bind to this directly. This is the API to use: and it looks like you want the __pyx_fuse_1ndtr__ version for the double type:

In [28]: import scipy

In [29]: [x for x in scipy.special.cython_special.__pyx_capi__.keys() if 'ndtr' in x]

In [30]: scipy.special.cython_special.__pyx_capi__['__pyx_fuse_0ndtr']
Out[30]: <capsule object "__pyx_t_double_complex (__pyx_t_double_complex, int __pyx_skip_dispatch)" at 0x7fb05f2143f0>

In [31]: scipy.special.cython_special.__pyx_capi__['__pyx_fuse_1ndtr']
Out[31]: <capsule object "double (double, int __pyx_skip_dispatch)" at 0x7fb05f214420>

RE: the OP… I think the code is tripping up the compiler somewhere, seems like the recursion might not be tracked correctly, any chance you could open an issue please?

Also, as math.erf and math.erfc are supported, I think this sort of thing could work for you:

import math
from numba import njit
import numpy as np
from numba.extending import register_jitable

NPY_SQRT1_2 = 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039

# Translation of:
# License:

def ndtr(a):
    if np.isnan(a):
        return np.nan

    x = a * NPY_SQRT1_2
    z = np.fabs(x)

    if z < NPY_SQRT1_2:
        y = 0.5 + 0.5 * math.erf(x)
        y = 0.5 * math.erfc(z)

        if x > 0:
            y = 1.0 - y

    return y

def jit_ndtr(x):
    return ndtr(x)

import scipy.special

Hope this helps?